Holiday Records aims to help more artists get their music into the hands of more fans.

Introducing Holiday Records crowdfunding and presale platform — a place where artists of all levels can crowdfund or pre-sell their albums, and where fans can discover and support the music they love.

Easier, greener, and risk-free — we assist artists in creating, promoting, and managing their own crowdfunding or presale pages, enabling them to reach more fans and secure funding before their albums are manufactured.

Holiday Records simplifies your vinyl journey with a full turnkey solution for record production: crowdfund/presell, promotion, manufacturing, distribution, and online order fulfilment.



Do you have an album ready to press but need the funds for manufacturing? Or perhaps you want to gauge demand to determine how many records to produce? 

Crowdfunding allows artists to raise funds before manufacturing, eliminating investment risk. It also enables you to press exactly the quantity of records you pre-sell (if it meets our minimum order quantity). Risk-free, waste-free, hassle-free pressing.

How does it work?

  1. Provide us with your artwork, audio, and pressing specifications.

  2. We give you a cost breakdown, recommended retail price, and the number of units you need to sell to cover all manufacturing costs.

  3. We build your custom crowdfunding page, complete with a live countdown meter showing how many more records need to be sold to meet your target. We will also create a vinyl record mock-up free of charge.

  4. Once your crowdfunding target is reached, we start production on your records.

  5. We ship records direct to your fans.

Please note that crowdfunding campaigns are limited to six weeks duration. If the campaign does not reach its goal, 100% of the sales will be refunded to the customer and a small transaction fee (2.9% + 30¢ per unit sold) will be charged to the artist.

Contact us for more information or to sign-up.


If you have a deposit sorted and prefer a more straightforward service without the need to fundraise, Holiday Records’ presale platform is the perfect solution. Unlike our crowdfunding service, which requires waiting for the campaign to successfully end, we can start your project immediately. 

Our presale platform allows you to promote and pre-sell your record while it’s in production. Any sales made can be used to cover the remaining balance on your final bill. Holiday Records will also handle shipping the pre-sold records to fans when they are ready to roll. Additionally, if you are hunting for a spot on the album charts, we can register your sales with Recorded Music NZ or ARIA.

How does it work?

  1. Provide us with your artwork, audio, and pressing specifications. We provide you with an invoice and a 50% deposit payment is required.
  2. We build your presale page which you can use to promote and sell your record while it is in production. This includes creating a vinyl record mock-up free of charge.
  3. We hold the funds from sales made and once the project is complete, we deduct this from your final bill.
  4. We ship records direct to your fans.

Holiday Records can continue to be your online selling platform once your project is complete if required.

Contact us for more information or to sign-up.